It all began when we stumbled upon Lonely Virgil, after which we learned that many of you had your own Virgil story to share. In time, those stories also included run-ins with other has-been ex-pro wrestlers. And soon enough, Virgil learned that the Virgilbag was a thing. But then, just as quickly as it all began, the Virgilbag was no more. It was fun while it lasted, but do you think Virgil deserves a place in the Deadspin Hall of Fame? You have until 11:59 p.m. (EST) Sunday night to cast your vote. Just remember, Virgil needs 75 percent of the vote to get inducted. Other nominees: Fat Chipper Jones Lawyerin' Joe Amendola Lynn Hoppes Oddibe McDowell's Water Bill <a href="<a href=" http:="""" poll=&…