After delaying its early access launch to make room for playing Hades 2, Evil Empire has announced that The Rogue Prince of Persia will launch on May 27thsports betting. It will be available for PC via Steam Early Access. A new gameplay trailer is available, highlighting the smooth combat and some of the soundtrack, composed by ASADI. Check it out below.
Based on Ubisoft’s series but without any connection to previous titles, The Rogue Prince of Persia sees the titular Prince trying to stop an invading Hun army. While he possesses the power to go back in time, manifesting as different runs, the Prince can also equip various weapons and Medallions with unique traits and perks for a fighting chance.
Mastering traversal and navigating environments is also important for success, especially given all the traps that abound. The Rogue Prince of Persia will retail for $19.99 when it launches in early access. Stay tuned for more details before it goes live.